miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Blog 7

In the future, I would like to travel to other country to finish my studies of architecture and if this is not possible, I will wait a few years to travel. This country should have a cold weather because I hate when in my city the thermometer pass 30° Celsius and is very uncomfortable be anywhere other than a park or a place with air conditioning. (However, if the only alternative is a country in the tropic I will go anyway, the objective is to know new places)
I would like go to a country like Canada, norway or USA because  my uncle live in Michigan and there is very beautiful and the weather is very nice to me, also my best option to go out of Chile should be live with my uncle a few years while I studying. For now I will searching some information for how I can have a beca for help me in the pay of studies and for go out of the country.
Also I have the experience of my friends for know what things I have to do for go a country for the university. If I cant do this, I will travel with the pay I have of the work that i have it and i will go with my famili or girlfriend or maybe alone. This I dont know for now.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

blog 5

The truth is that I did not think about this before because I have not yet decided what I want when I get my degree, but if I had to decide at this time I would like to study something related to urban development, or something like that. related to sustainable development because they are two topics that I find very interesting and I think they will be very useful in the future, and I would like to study how to make architecture and cities more friendly with the planet considering that we live in times of excessive pollution and in the future would work on something related to that

If one day I had the opportunity to study a postgraduate study, I think I would do it without thinking since I believe that the studies are very important because that way you can achieve independence and create an office of your own architecture and not depend on anyone, that would be Ideally, I think I would like to do my postgraduate studies in Chile I would be satisfied, although if I had the opportunity to travel I would do my best, I would like to take a part-time postgraduate to have time to work and do other things necessary for my daily life like exercising, or going out with my friends, and being able to do different activities and not so much time studying

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Blog 3

When I finished my architecture studies, I would like to work as an architect, but I still do not know in what area because I lack information about what I could work once titled, however, some things that I know for now are design, urban planning and structural calculation , design I like buildings because I have always liked to draw and represent my ideas graphically, it has always been easy for me to express myself through writing images, but I also find very interesting my topics related to urban planning that It is a completely new concept in my life and it seems more and more interesting to me and I feel that studying urbanism could help people improve their quality of life, but I think that road is more difficult and long.
The part of the career that I definitely don't like is the structural calculation that, although I like math and numbers, I can't imagine specialized in calculating buildings in the future. In short, I feel that I still have time to get more information on the areas that I could develop better, since I think what I know now is just a notion of what it really is.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

blog 5 My future job

When I was a child I love the cars of formula 1, I see the career for tv every day  , I was love the cars and I knew a lot about them  I though all day in cars, the speed, the models of cars etc. and I was imagine working in something related to cars like mechanical engineering, but when I go to high school I discovered that I liked draw and the class of mathematics so I quickly forget the cars and I stated to study more about  that.

When is it coming out of the high school, I search a college career related with mathematics or draw and I think in architecture because it was a hybrid  between draw, creative and mathematics and the exact sciences  that it was the things I liked
I would like to my job of the future working like an architect traveling a lot for different places of the world knowing different cities and cultures to improve as person and professional about the salary I have not thought about that, I suppose that I happy with a place where I live in peace and comfortable with my dog of the future.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2019

Blog 2 My best holidays

My favorite holidays it was 2015 whit my family (my pather and my mother, my brother did not want to go and stayed in Puerto Montt), we go to Cochamo a small and remote town on the south of Chile  this town was among the mountains and volcanoes and have a beach that have a beautifull views to three volcanoes .
To go here we take a bus in Puerto Montt and his trip was beautifull because we passing by a route that could be seen so big woods, lakes, rives, volcanoes and see all that left me surprised.
when we arrived in Cochamo we stay in a hostel, that have to much farm animals chikens, lambs, turkeys
whe we arrived the town it was in time of celebration so there was very tipical activities how music, food, plays and very activities to do
This holiday it was speciall because it was the first time i spent so much time with them.

martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

Blog 1 London

I would like go to London in UK because i believe that is a beautifull city because have very green places and historic  architecture neo gothic what i would like to know.
what i know about London is that have to much things to do and see like musseums ,historic architecture,urban parks,a good public transport, among others
i would like go to London to know the iconic places like the Big ben and the wheel of fortune also go to see the musseums what are distributed for the city
I could like go to London to study and work because i know that the quality of life is very good and have very good Universities and have many urban parks and i think that the green places make a city more special and more bautifull and make of the cotidian days less stresfull and more relax and is no like Santiago that have very few nature and to much concrete and places gray and cars and acoustic pollution.

                                  Resultado de imagen para london

domingo, 30 de junio de 2019

Brave new world

It´s a sciencie fiction novel of Aldoux Huxley, in this book a futuristic dystopia is told in a world were the individual freedom disappear and the fate of each person is controlled from the moment of his birth, and these are controlled by drugs so that they always happy and do not question the things that happen to them

I like this book because this book analyzes society from a critical point of view and this book it has sililarity with some things in today´s society like

I read this book for first time when i had 16 years old  for a homework of my school and i liked so much because the story  is very interesting and i like every things (movies,book etc) that talk about dystopia or future and science fiction

Others books whit dystopic teme i like so much and they are like this book are "Bioshock" who  experiment with humans to achieve perfection to achieve the perfect society and demostrates the negative side of that and the society suffers the consequences  and "1984" in this book a society that is controlled and monitored and deprived of personal liberties told.

                                                 Resultado de imagen para el mundo feliz

jueves, 6 de junio de 2019

Walk for Santa Lucia hill

A walk that i would like to do again is when i go to the santa lucia hill with miy girlfriend for first time. We were just getting to know each other for that I wanten to something special for this ocaasion and have a moment where I can have the opportunity know she more. It was one of our firts date.

We were in our first year of architecture, for that we take advantage of the instance for work together in a work and share better. We got out of a class of a afternoon to take more time to do the work.

I like mainly that walk because was our first date, I think it was a walk if I go this alone it would not have been the same, also I have a lot of fun and I traveled the hill for the firts time.

I would like to do it again to commemorate something ours, something it was unique for ours, walk again for the places that we went before like when we firts meet and we grew up with the years. I would like to do soon again with she because i love her a lot.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2019

A great job

I would like work in a Doggis for a while, something like for the summer or vacation of winter. Is something I thought recently why I really like the sauces that the place give to who buy in here, also in my free time always I go to eat with my girlfriend here and we use all the sauces in all our food. Another reason I would like work in Doggis is because one of the subsidiary is near of my house, so I can work for many hours and can go home safe it.

I think the qualities that you need to work in place like this is a good personality and be good when you talk with the people because is a work very intense that you need be stay calm and do all the pedidos in the time. Also you have need patience with the costumer like really patient, why exist some people who not treats really well and expect you to do everything automatic. I think is something I have to work.

I really like the idea that work in my free time, must for the qualities mentioned before, I think I would be good do it the job because is something I really want and learn new experiences for the life. But on the another hand, I believe I could be good in the job because in architecture I work under pressure what helps me to resist the difficult customers. (I love eat)

I have two person and in different context, one of my friends work in a Doggis and he told me that the person who work in here are really nice and they work like a family, what motives me and say that they pays a lot of money (that I want hahaha). Also I have the experience of my gilfriend who work but in a different place where she really have to work a lot but she look very happy in the period she work in here.

martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Whe i was a child, i watch in my old tv Tom and Jerry in the channel Cartoon Network.
i see this program when i have five years old This program is about a cat and a mouse that living in the same house and the cat called Tom hates the mouse called Jerry and Tom search diferent ways to catch Jerry but he is not very smart and he fails in every attemp on the other hand Jerry is very  lucky one and is very cunning.
This program it was created in 1940 and it was on the air in 2007 they transmitted in the nigths  and i see before to go to sleep
I enjoy this program baecuse a like the humour of the program ,the stile of the animation and i like the character of Jerry because he always got his way and for my that was great.
                              Imagen relacionada

martes, 16 de abril de 2019

A Holiday in Cochamo

A Holiday in cochamo

In 2015 when i was still in the school, in summer i go whit my family to Puerto Montt and we stayed here and visit the Puerto Montt city and we toured the whole city, but we want know more of the south of Chile, so i and my parents take a bus ticket to Cochamo and we went for a weekend, the road went through many mountains and lakes, and the trip to Cochamo last like 2 hours and the landscapes were beautiful
Whe we arrived whe stay in a lodging house and there the owner had many animals goats, chikens, turkeys and horses.in that weekend it was celebrated the "week of Cochamo" and there was partys tipical plays ,tipical food ,music ,and to much people and the most important "la minga" consisting of traslate a house for the lake to Cochamo and drag for ground pulling of ropes and the whole community came together to help a neigbor (like thousand persons)
I enjoy knowing news Chilean traditions

                                    Resultado de imagen para minga

domingo, 14 de abril de 2019

My favourite thing I do in the free time is draw. I remember I like draw since I have 14 years old when I started to do for works of the school wich have related to draw and paint in oil, or sometimes whe have to do something more elaborated like models in another asignatures. Since that I draw with different techniques and materiales what led me to study architecture.I have also learned a lot with the help of my girlfriend who studies design.
Where I do depend of the what I need, like when I have to work in a model I prefer work in my house because I have all of the materials what I need. But when is related to draw, I prefer work in my university because I have more elements that make my feel inspired, like the place San Borja or talking with other patners.

The materials with I work is a lot of pen of different sizes or textures, but the principal is my sketchbook personal that I made in my first year of university. Also for my models depend of the work I have to do, for example now I work with paperboard what represent a model of concrete. How often I do is four times for week and sometimes more because make me feel very happy draw what I want.

martes, 2 de abril de 2019

A city I´d like to visit is Puerto Montt, because I like the south of Chile for the weather I like the rain and de cold more than the hot of Santiago also i´d like see and walk for the woods and swim in the lakes close to the zone.
I know that in Puerto Montt theres the big lake Llanquihue and into the city you can see the volcano Osorno.
If i go to Puerto Montt I´d like go to visit the others tonws that theres around the lake Llanquihue like Frutillar ,Puerto Varas, Llanquihue, Puerto Octay and others. and also go to visit the volcanos.
If i´d go to Puerto Montt I would like go with my friends because with them is very fun and we would go to walk to the woods and camping and exploring the zone searching new places to visit and discover.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


My name is Vicente and I´m study architecture in the university of Chile. Im Chilean and I live in Santiago with my family, my parent and my big brother. I have two little dogs - Momo & Copo. Momo is a yorkie and Copo is was born in the street and we adopt him and now is more happy.my hobbies are playing video games and drawing .

Blog 7

In the future, I would like to travel to other country to finish my studies of architecture and if this is not possible, I will wait a fe...