In 2015 when i was still in the school, in summer i go whit my family to Puerto Montt and we stayed here and visit the Puerto Montt city and we toured the whole city, but we want know more of the south of Chile, so i and my parents take a bus ticket to Cochamo and we went for a weekend, the road went through many mountains and lakes, and the trip to Cochamo last like 2 hours and the landscapes were beautiful
Whe we arrived whe stay in a lodging house and there the owner had many animals goats, chikens, turkeys and that weekend it was celebrated the "week of Cochamo" and there was partys tipical plays ,tipical food ,music ,and to much people and the most important "la minga" consisting of traslate a house for the lake to Cochamo and drag for ground pulling of ropes and the whole community came together to help a neigbor (like thousand persons)
I enjoy knowing news Chilean traditions

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